Mornin' Peps!
Here is another mosaic that I created a few months back. A neighbor from my old place gave me this junked up spool several years back. I swore I'd turn it into a table someday. I used it as an outside table for years, it sat outside in the winters, I painted it several different colors and then it sat at The Olde Farmhouse for a couple of years on the side porch. Honestly it started looking a bit rough. I toyed with the idea of throwing it away but since I tout myself as a recycler I couldn't live with that. So....a mosaic commenced.
I asked my son Andrew to draw on the table top. He drew the swirl. At first we thought it would be a blast to turn it into a yellow brick road and then on the pedestal draw scenes from The Wizard Of Oz such as Emerald City. Some times I really let my imagination roam free!
However, I knew I'd be refinishing my family room in sea glass colors so I decided to incorporate this table. What a BLAST to make and it works perfectly in my newly decorated family room. It sits in front of a lovely futon my older son Matthew bought me as a gift (Thank you Hon!) and it's where I sit to do a lot of my copper foiling these days.
After I share another of my mosaics I'll be reveling in my favorite mosaic artist in AN ARTIST I ADMIRE! (from afar)
Moral of the story....try not to look at your stuff as junk. It may be trash to some but a diamond in the rough to others. Keep it out of our landfills at all costs! (please pretty please)
With Gratitude, Laurie B.
What an awesome idea!
I've looked at those several times with an eye to doing _something_ with them, but never found the right idea. This? This I could do.
Your mosaic spool table turned out wonderful! I grew up around the water and we always had several different sized wooden spools that we played with in the water (we walked on the as they spun). Wish we still had a few around. I totally agree with you about re-purposing most things. I am not at all artistically inclined but I have a keen eye for what something "could" be and I am always picking up others "trash" to have turned into treasures. I really wish the man upstairs had given me some sort of artistic ability but instead he gave me a love for all things artistic. Thanks for sharing your table with me.
The table is gorgeous and your mosaic work is superb. How fabulous that your son's were a part of it, both in the giving and design!
S T U N N I N G !
Ok, I really need one of those.
For my dining room.
For now I'll just enjoy looking at yours.
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