Is that a lamp hanging in your tree?
How cool is this idea??? We lived in a huge four square Sears home for several years and when we moved to The Olde Farmhouse I had no place for this beautiful stained glass lampshade. It has been sitting around collecting dust and driving me batty! I just couldn't find a place for it and couldn't part with it either. I pride myself in re-use of all things if possible but this just takes the cake! I had this bird feeder which gets wet when it rains and the critters can gain access to it so I strung a wire up through the shade and voila! A critter proof birdfeeder that is beautiful too! I think it's very lovely. I plan to make some stained glass lampshades only a bit smaller and sell them as toppers for feeders such as this. If you would like to custom order one, just say the word! I think this idea rocks! With gratitude, Laurie B.
Bitch! That is so freakin Cool!
Wish I had thought of it!!
Great Job!
that is so cool and unique! Hope you are doing well! My parents actually restored a Sear Catalog home so I know all about them.
This is a really neat idea.
I was doing my drops just a few minutes ago. Your widget for dropping on Entrecard did not show up. Have you removed it?
Take care...
Wow! That's one of the most original ideas I've ever seen and certainly the most gorgeous bird feeder ever.
Hi Wanda! Thanks so much for the comment about the lampshade birdfeeder cover. I'm going to make some smaller ones that are really fun! As for EntreCard I had to stop dropping. I've been dropping 300 cards every morning, EARLY morning starting at 4 a.m. and I've been doing it for several months. I did notice an increase in my blog traffic but no direct sales for my stained glass. I've gone over to CMF which is a very good deal. I am SO hopeful to be able to get my sales increased in the next six months or so. It's been a tough ride with the economy and such. So, yes, sorry to say I'm no longer on Entrecard but I DO follow your blog and am hoping that my Entrecard friends will "follow" mine and also follow me on Twitter. I plan to do a post about leaving Entrecard but have had such other fun things to blog about I haven't done one yet. Thanks so much for following and I'll do the same here. I enjoy your blog. With gratitude, Laurie B.
Very creative! Hope you had a great day! What an interesting life you have.
That is SO pretty! I would love too see how it looks on a sunny day. The birds are livin' in luxury now!
Hi Carole! Oh I know!! I can't wait to take pictures...IF we ever get sun! I just installed solar christmas lights last weekend and they can't even get charged up! ugh! I'll post pictures when the sun is out...AND I am going to make some smaller lampshades to sell as bird feeder covers...I've had three orders for them so far! Woohoo! Thanks for commenting! With Gratitude, Laurie B.
Very, very cool mother! Nice work.
Hi Laurie
That is a fantastic idea. I think they are going to be a hit :)
Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to keeping in touch!
I second Denise's comment. You know, this would be a HUGE hit out here in the Pacific NW where we refer to winter as "The Rainy Season." I was just lamenting that my birdseed is soaked and instead of grass, we're probably going to have a bumper crop of thistle and millet in our puny yard.
Anyhoo, if you want to market these to the PacNW, just let me know and I'll do some leg work for you to the birding and yard stores. (Home landscaping and yard ornamentation is as popular here as boating is in the midwest. We may have a nice market for these.)
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