Okay, so I'm not OPRAH, but what the hell, if she can go on TV with no makeup, I can suck it up and BLOG it!
I've had several readers ask me just what I meant when I spoke about my "smoke and mirrors" preparations for my son's wedding. Up until now I ignored the question.
Then Scary Mom sent a shout out that she wanted to do a piece about bad high school pictures of the blogger, blogger children and so on. I emailed her back, telling her I was older than dirt and didn't think I could find a bad pic of me from the dark ages and asked if a wedding photo would do. "Eh" she said, "that will work". So I double-dog-dare-my readers to head over to her blog and join in the fun at http://www.scarymommy.com/
As for my meaning of "smoke and mirrors".....a picture is worth a thousand words. Don't illusions just crack you up?
Next week I'm back to blogging ALL about my stained glass! I've vowed to keep it "on point" from now until Christmas with stained glass talk and pictures up the wazzo. With the outside happenings drawing to a close at The Olde Farmhouse, you may get an occasional picture of an ice storm, Phoebe dancing in snow drifts or Prudence knocking over my Christmas tree. (I'm planning on that one and have purchased only unbreakable ornaments this year!)
With Gratitude, Laurie B. Now get those photos uploaded and send them to Jill at Scary Mom! It should be a hoot!
Aaaaah - love your hair in the Before picture. (You are so brave.) LOL
No, JK - your smile in that picture made me smile. Not scary enough; you'll have to try harder next time. Hee hee!
Your hair at the end is gorgeous. ...so you had to have it teased up to get the volume in the crown? I'm so clueless about how to do lovely hairstyles like that.
Hoppin' over to see what Scary Mommy's got going on...
(PS: 'Older than dirt...' Hah. Pish.)
Oh, Laurie, I love you more than ever!! You beat me to the post, LOL. I'll get it up tonight! And that hair is hilarious, but the end result is gorgeous. You're the best! :)
Well Laurie,
Even if YOU can't find OLD pictures of you, I CAN!! Ha! Ha!
Would you like me to start digging them up? tee hee
But, then, what comes around goes around huh?
Is is worth the risk? :)
I'll have to think about that one.
I knew this was going to bite me in the ass! Yeah, okay, TRIPLE dog dare yah!~ (I've got some lo-ve-ly pics of you too!)
Hi there,
Thanks for your comment. I have an award for you. I thought I wrote the post see this post and you'll see what I mean; was scary :). We both live in the midwest. I have my worst flares in September.
It makes total sense. It always is hell in September for me. Every year that I've lived in Midwest.
Chronic Chick Talk
Now that is some hair standing up there. But, like everyone else said, the end result is gorgeous. I am another linker to Scary Mommy and just wanted to see what everyone else posted. Nice to meet you!
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