It's been a whirlwind few months for me here at The Looking Glass. My sales did slow down a pinch but on the family front I was blessed to be present for the birth of my beautiful first-born grandson, Pax. The following month my divorce was finalized and I am now officially Laurie Roskam.
My workshop is being fine-turned and I am now in the process of replenishing my inventory and starting on lots of repair work that has been piling up.
I admit I have a terrible case of cabin fever and have been battling a tough cold for the past couple of months on top of it all.
Life is never dull but a crazy-wonderful journey. Peace! Laurie R.
Here is the latest panel I created for a local woman here in town. Her mother wanted to give her something special for her birthday this year and I was the lucky artist who was asked to create that "something special"! I am very pleased with this piece and even happier to know that mother and daughter shared this moment in time! Thank you Emily and mom for buying handmade! With Gratitude, Laurie B.!/pages/THE-LOOKING-GLASS/85733685674
Good Afternoon friends,
Here is a photo of the newest design I am going to be creating for a client. I simply adore this style of stained glass and I ADORE English Muffle stained glass which is what this pattern will be created with. I just wanted to share my excitement with you. Isn't it pretty! The Design Book is called English Muffle Book Of Design. It's worth every penny!
My recent New Glarus project has been completed!
I am thrilled with the outcome. Here are some photos of the
installation process and the clients. Thank you Marty and Greg! You are
amazing people and so so SO fun to collaborate with! I trust you will
have years of enjoyment in your beautiful home. Thank you goes out to Terry Bose. It was a difficult installation. It has been the trickiest one to-date. I
appreciate all of your hard work friend! Thanks goes out to Jay Lamm at Freeport Glass for cutting the safety glass for me also. You did a fabulous job! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful support network. These people are the backbone for how and why I am able to practice my art! I am forever filled with gratitude! LIFT UP YOUR ART! Laurie Roskam
Hello friends,
I am cutting and grinding a beautiful Spectrum sky blue glass along with a Uroboros amber and green glass for the oak leafs today. The studio doors are open, the breeze is wonderful and saws are humming as Creative Treasures (link along my sidebar) continues to put the finishing touches on their new storefront. It is a busy time for both my studio and theirs as they prepare for the Stephenson County Fair and I continue to create my latest stained glass commission. The day is absolutely picture perfect here in Freeport, Illinois and I hope it is wherever YOU are today~ Lift Up Your Art And Be Blessed, Laurie
Hello friends!
Wall Cloud photo in Savanna, Illinois taken by Laurie B |
There is no breeze, large storm clouds on the horizon and the sky is beginning to rumble. She is talking! I am busy today in my studio working up the newest design I'm creating. The glass is ordered and it will arrive tomorrow. Thanks to the help of Creative Treasures I have managed to eek out a pattern that is ready to cut. My printer at home decided that now would be a good time to stop working. Last week it was my laptop. Things come in threes? What is next? I ask. I am looking forward to getting back to cutting and grinding in my studio. The time off was nice but two weeks was a bit too long to be away. My hands did need the rest so I obliged them. I'm back and ready to get busy! Thanks goes out again to Paula from Roughing It In Style! Working with these new clients has been a pure joy!! It makes the process of creating custom stained glass everything I hoped it would be. With Gratitude, Laurie
I completed the church commission in Iowa and the windows were installed! A dedication ceremony will be held next weekend. The photos will be uploaded as soon as my laptop heals from it's "black eye!"
head out today to another new client in New Glarus, Wisconsin. She has
chosen a hexagon pattern containing oak leaves to adorn her front porch!
I'm looking forward to this commission. It is smaller (26 inches) so it
will give me some much needed instant gratification. I enjoy the large
commissions but now and again it is nice to do a piece and be done in a
week or so. LIFT UP YOUR ART! With gratitude, Laurie
About this Blog
"All images and content of Laurie Beggin's Glass Musings and Through The Looking Glass © 2007 Laurie Beggin, unless otherwise noted."